CRYO Treated CRF110 crank


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One of the weak points when you start building the crf110 motors is the crank. Once you reach a certain hp and with higher rpms they tend to snap. Ask us how we know. With 5 broken cranks and a busted collar bone in one season. Along with other riders having the same issue we had to do something to fix this problem. It was just to dangerous not to address. So we came to the conclusion of cryo treating the cranks. This really isn't anything new and has been around for a long time but we are 100% convinced it works. The cranks are treated by cooling them to temps. lower than -300 degrees and slowly brought back to room temperature. This changes the micro-structure of the metal to relieve residual stresses that can cause cracking. Once we did this treatment we have not had any more issues with the crank snapping. So we are happy to be able to offer you these treated cranks to save you from a season ending accident.